Body Structure
Pinzgauers should have unified body structures, a deep and wide but not too wide chest firm shoulders and good depth and length of flank. There should be a long, wide pelvis with well muscled hindquarters and good development of the valuable beef cuts. The upper line should be firm but not stiff.
Colour and Marking
The basic colours permissible, are Red and White or Black and White. In the red colour the deeper reddish pigments are preferable, lighter and darker red variations may occur.
In both Red and White or Black and White animals, the entire area of the non-pigmented part should be predominantly the Pinzgauer's typical white markings, beginning on the withers and extending over the back, the spine, tail and belly, as well as appearing on the front and back legs. The white should not be dominant and especially behind the shoulders, the red or black colour should not be interrupted.
Hooves should be dark. White coloured legs and hooves are not permitted.
An elastic, but not too thin skin is desirable. Dewlaps should not be too large.
Hair Covering
In summer, the hair should be short, sleek and shiny. Curly and very coarse hair is undesirable.
Should be of medium size, not longish or dished and the muzzle should be wide and straight. Undershot or overshot jaw is not permitted.
Eyes should not protrude and. the eyebrow should be prominent and should hood the eye.
Ears should be oval, not round.
Shoulder should be long and sloping, with shoulder blades smooth against the body, not be too broad, flat on top, well covered and filled behind the shoulder. The points should not be prominent especially in Bulls.
The legs should be robust (not coarse) and dry (flexible), Feet should be large and deep at the heel and the hooves dark, hard and closed. The ability to stand correctly and walk freely with an adequately angled (not spongy) hock (the tibia should enter the hock at an angle of 130-145 degrees) is also part of these requirements.
Loins should be broad thick and well covered with flesh.
Ribs should be well sprung, deep and well covered with flesh.
The rump should be slightly rounded and well developed with good length hip to pin. Rump is to be full and extend well down to hocks. Thighs and round should be thick.
Deep twist, high tail-heads and short length hip to pin are objectionable.
Flanks should be full and deep.
Genital Organs in Bulls
Testes should be well developed, of equal size and hang evenly. The sheath should be evenly attached and not pendulous.
One high or non-descended Testicle, poorly attached or pendulous Sheath or protruding Penis is objectionable.
The udder should be glandular, firmly suspended, equally quartered and should have a good capacity. It should amply reach to the front and to the back, but not hinder movement. The teats should be equally spread out and properly sized in order to ensure that the calf can be fed without any problems, particularly during the first few days after birth.
Poorly attached, pendulous or unevenly developed udders are undesirable. Overly large teats are undesirable.
Cattle should be docile but alert. Nervous or agitated cattle are not desirable.
Exterior faults
- Extreme sway-back or hump-back
- Steep Legs
- Weak fetlocks
- Poor musculature
- Poor bone development
- No pigment on eye rims
- Colouring – Purebred or Fullblood animals displaying the following colour faults can only be registered as an F3:
- White legs or white leg marking down hock and reaching the hoof
- White Hoof
- Base colour not as per Standards of Excellence
- Black muzzle and nose - Dental deficiencies -Undershot/overshot Jaw
- Defects of Reproductive Organs
-Twisted Muzzle
Serious Faults
- Out of Condition
- Coarseness
- Wedge head
- Any deviation from the standard on all colouration
- Narrow mouth
- Mongolian eyes
- Narrow Chest
- Narrow rib-cage
- Barrel rib-cage
- Loose, loaded, coarse or steep shoulders
- Elbow turned inwards or outwards
- Receding back
- Back high in rear
- Too sloping in pelvis
- Too narrow pin-bone
- Too narrow hook-bone
- Barrel legs
- Excessively dull hair
- High set tail
![APBA Australian Pinzgauer Breeder's Association](logo/header@200.png)