Annual fee, pro rata arrangements pursuant to the Articles of the Association.
A late penalty of 25 percent applies.
Refer the APBA Constitution for details on Membership Classes.

Membership Type Annual Fee
Full Member $198.00
Small Breeder $99.00
Associate Member $33.00
Commercial Member $33.00
Junior Member $15.00


One-time registration fee, pro rata arrangements pursuant to the Articles of the Association
A late penalty of 25 percent applies.

Animal Up to 18 months Over 18 months
F1 Female $11.00 $22.00
F2 Female $22.00 $44.00
F3 Female $33.00 $66.00
Purebred Male and Female $44.00 $88.00


  Purebred F1,F2,F3
Animal, within 90 days of change of ownership $33.00 $11.00
Animal, over 90 days of change of ownership $66.00 $22.00
Animal, from other recognised Herdbook treated as new registration using 0 - 18 months fee schedule -
Frozen embryo (within 90 days) $22.00 -
Frozen embryo (over 90 days) $44.00 $88.00
PTIC recipients (within 90 days) $33.00 -
PTIC recipients (over 90 days) $66.00 -


Service Fee
Frozen embryo registration (per embryo) $3.30
Herd name registration $55.00
Herd prefix registration $11.00
AI Sire registration $110.00
Notice of Lease or Lease Termination (within 90 days) $11.00
Notice of Lease or Lease Termination (over 90 days) $22.00
Change of Name of Membership $11.00
Change of Name of Animal $11.00
Name and Unnamed Animal $11.00
Extended pedigrees, per generation step $5.50
Duplicate Registration Certificate $11.00
Correction of Applicant Errors - per Animal Transaction $11.00
Calf Registration Royalty, AI certificate of service $1.10 each minimum order 20
Service certificate forms for natural or AI mating $0.55 each, minimum order 10

Australian Pinzgauer Breeder's Association